Types of Gemstone and Do You Know What are the Meaning?

All gemstones are small natural wonders. There are therefore infinitely many, each with a different color, effect, and story. Wonderful, of course, to know what effect that one gemstone you used in your last piece of jewelry has and what it symbolizes. In this way, you give an extra meaning to your already valuable piece of jewelry.

Whether you believe in the workings of gemstones or not, the idea behind them is beautiful.

Types of Gemstone, Gemstone, Gemistone

The Most Beautiful Gemstones: Applications and Their Meaning

As I mentioned, gemstones are all small natural wonders. I say this mainly because it fascinates me that such a colorful and special stone grows naturally.

So nothing is done about it, you can even buy the most beautiful geodes, on which you can see how a stone such as amethyst grows. The stones that you use in jewelry are only cut by people and holes are possibly made in it, the rest is pure nature. When you see some colors and shades you can hardly imagine that, but nature never ceases to amaze!

How do you choose a Gemstone that Suits you?

There are many ways to choose the right stone. For example, you can look at your birth month or what you want to achieve with the stone. It is also important that the shape and color of the stone appeal to you.

That way you can build a bond with the stone, as it were, and it will also work better than if you randomly pick a stone. Below we have a list of Birthstones and their effect; this is a way you can pay attention when you buy a Gemstone. For additional information about this gemstone click this link; Types of Gems

Birthstones – Which Gemstone belongs to which Your Birth Month?

Each month has a different gemstone. Nice to know when you choose a stone for yourself, but this symbolism is also beautiful as a gift. For example, when a baby is born or it's your best friend's birthday.

Birthstone January Garnet

Garnet Gemstone

A red, brown, orange, green, or black stone, the red variety is the best known. The grenade brings strength, energy, perseverance, and self-confidence. Garnet works best when worn directly on the skin, so a bracelet or necklace is the best choice.

This is a red grenade, but if you search you will also find orange and dark red stones. More information about garnet can be found later in this blog.

Birthstone February Amethyst

Amethyst Gemstone

A beautiful, brilliant purple stone. The stone brings balance, balance, and stability. The amethyst works both when you wear it and when you have it at home, for example, it also works against nightmares when you put it under your pillow.

Birthstone March Aquamarine

Aquamarnie Gemstone

A beautiful light blue stone, which varies from very light blue to light blue-green. This is a healing and protective stone that protects the wearer against diseases.

The stone brings inspiration, strength, and creativity. In ancient folk tales, the aquamarines were said to be the treasures of mermaids, who used them as talismans for good luck, fearlessness, and protection.

Here you can see the different color variations within the aquamarine. This is a raw aquamarine, but of course, you can also find them in cut and faceted form.

Birthstone April Diamond

Diamond Gemstone

Yes, the most famous of all precious stones, the diamond! Also, this is more expensive. Diamonds are available in all kinds of different colors, in addition to the well-known, transparent stone, for example, pink diamonds are also found, which are unfortunately even rarer. The diamond symbolizes purity and also symbolizes mystery, romance, power, and magic.

If you buy an expensive diamond, make sure that the seller can be trusted; it would of course be a shame if you buy a "diamond" on Etsy and it turns out to be cubic Zirconia.  In addition, it is good to pay attention to conflict-free stones. 

Because of the value of the diamond, it is regularly mined in ways that are not particularly pleasant for the local population. If you want to buy a diamond at an affordable price, you are in the right place at Gemistone Jewelers. We provide the best quality of loose diamonds, black diamonds, or their cuts and kinds of diamond jewelry!!

Birthstone May Emerald

Emerald Gemstone

The greenest stone of all gems, the shade of green depending on where it is found. The emerald brings harmony, ensures loyalty in love, and opens the heart.

The emerald is most beautiful in cut form. It is a popular stone that is often used types of jewelry, so its color is very special. Our 1 Carat Green Emerald Cut Engagement Ring is also very special; you can see that ring features 14k yellow gold metal, the 4 prong setting and the color are possible within the gemstone. Later in this blog, you will find more detailed information about Emerald Cut.

Birthstones June Pearl & Moonstone

Pearl and Moonstone

The pearl is not a gemstone, but is formed by a grain of sand in oysters. A pearl consists of many layers "mother of pearl" which is also present in different shells. The pearl stands for purity, honesty, and integrity.

It is believed that the pearl brings prosperity, protects and stimulates the mind. It used to be believed that pearls formed in line droplets, fell from the sky, and thus became the heart of the oysters. They are also called the tears of the moon.

The moonstone has a similar but even brighter nacre luster as the pearl. White as a base with beautiful blue/purple shades. The moonstone awakens hope, intuition, and sensitivity. Moonstone is usually sold rough or smooth-cut to best show its mother-of-pearl sheen.

Birthstone July Ruby

Red Ruby Gemstone

The red ruby is also called the queen of gems. This is partly because people with a certain power used to wear rubies. It is now a stone that symbolizes love and nobility.

The ruby ​​is not particularly known for its protective effect, although it is believed that the ruby ​​protects general health and has a positive effect on the heart. However, the ruby ​​is a powerful stone and it is generally not recommended to use rubies if you have high blood pressure, feel agitated, are overactive, or have a short temper.

Rubies are also quite expensive stones, especially when they are faceted. The stones you see here are less clear and therefore slightly less quality, but no less beautiful. More information about Red Ruby Mines can be found later in this article.

Birthstone August Peridot

Peridot Gemstone

The light green peridot is closely related to the diamond and is formed in the warm rock of the earth's crust. The peridot is a healing stone that supports in times of change, it removes emotional blockages, makes forgiving, and in this way heals emotional wounds.

It is a warm, cheerful stone that, in addition to its emotional support, can also support the entire body. It balances all organs and the biorhythm.

Peridot is available in rough, cut, and chip form. A very small faceted peridot hangs from this beautiful refined necklace.

Birthstone September Sapphire

Sapphire Gemstone

I associate the sapphire more kings and queens than the ruby, perhaps because you often hear that royal jewelry often contains sapphires. The beautiful blue sapphire is the stone of wisdom. The stone ensures a clear mind and an increased intuitive action. She is a calming stone.

Birthstone October Opal & Tourmaline

Opal and Tourmaline GEmstone

The opal is a very special stone because it contains many colors and can have a holographic effect. The name, opal, therefore, comes from the Greek word “Opalios” which is translated as “color change”. The opal encourages freedom and independence and improves memory and self-confidence.

Tourmaline has multiple colors; there is multi-colored, watermelon, and black tourmaline. The tourmaline has a grounding, protection, and cleansing effect. It builds, as it were, a protective shield and thus dissipates negative energy.

Because one opal is certainly not the other, I would say to choose the opal that appeals to you the most. One opal is mainly white, pearl and the other contains blue, green, or pink.

It can hardly be missed, this is a watermelon tourmaline. Green on the outside and pink on the inside, this is a unique stone. In addition to the rough version, they are also available with the smooth ground.

Birthstone November Yellow Topaz & Citrine

Yellow Topaz and Citrine Gemstone

Yellow topaz is also called Sunstone. She has the power to fulfill wishes and dreams. It is a healing stone that works with magnetic fields to absorb tension, pain, and illness.

Citrine also carries the power of the sun and is therefore a stone that makes you happy. It attracts good luck and prosperity. When you want to achieve certain goals in life, the citrine is the most powerful stone that contributes to that.

Citrine ranges in color from amber to bright yellow. Or like here between amber and white/transparent. Pay attention when buying citrine, because geodes are also sold like the amethyst geodes, but citrine doesn't grow like that at all! Those are always different synthetic colored stones. If you want to look for Gemstone Engagement Ring, you just visit our online store at Gemistone Jewelers!! 

December Birthstones Blue Topaz & Turquoise

Blue Topaz Gemstone

The blue topaz is a rare stone, because topaz is more common in yellow tones, as you can see with the November birthstone. The stone is associated with courage and helps you overcome obstacles. It is therefore a widely used stone among writers, artists, and intellectuals; it helps to think more clearly.

Turquoise is also a well-known stone; it is cleansing and is also called the stone of truth. It helps to communicate better.

When you choose a gemstone, matching it with your birth month is a logical choice. But also look at what appeals to you or what you want to achieve with the stone. For example, I was born in July, but actually, the opal appeals to me much more in terms of color and the citrine in terms of effect and personality.

I also think that when you choose a stone with your heart, it will always work better for you, but this list of Birthstones can of course help you in your search 😉


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